UNE收到10美元.8 million to establish new Center for Cell Signaling 研究

伊娃·巴洛格副教授,博士.D. (蓝色), is one of the four initial faculty project leaders at the new Center for Cell Signaling 研究.

的 University of New England has received a five-year, $10.8 million award from the National Institutes of 健康 to support an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Center of Biomedical 研究 Excellence (COBRE) to be named the UNE Center for Cell Signaling 研究 (CCSR). 的 COBRE program supports the development of innovative biomedical research centers through awards for three sequential five-year phases.

研究 at the CCSR will heavily focus on studying defects in how cells signal, or communicate. Cell signaling defects are fundamental to the development of human diseases, 包括老年痴呆症, 糖尿病, 骨质疏松症, 还有心脏病. 的 CCSR will create a self-sustaining research community at UNE in the cell signaling field and is an important component of the University’s mission to expand biomedical research infrastructure and capabilities

“I am so proud of what biomedical researchers at UNE have accomplished over the last decade, this award is more evidence of our 区域 leadership in investigating real-world health issues that are impacting Mainers and Americans every day,全球网络赌博平台校长詹姆斯·赫伯特说.

根据 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who live in rural settings have a higher chance of developing chronic health issues than those living in urban areas. With Maine being one of the most rural states in the country, CCSR项目主任Derek Molliver, Ph.D., said examining these issues at a cellular level will eventually help Mainers live more comfortably.

“We're expanding into really hot areas of research that are targeting significant clinical challenges for the 21st century, research into chronic metabolic diseases that impact Mainers across their lifespan,”莫里弗说. “的re is a tremendous amount of excitement about how we can help people to live healthier and have a high quality of life. Those are the dramatic new questions for society that this center will be looking into.”

的 COBRE funding supports four initial research projects led by faculty members Eva Balog, Ph.D.凯瑟琳·贝克尔博士.D.Harry Filippakis博士.D.路易斯·奎姆·科巴,m.s.D., Ph.D. 的 funding will also assist the University in creating nearly 5,000 square feet of new research laboratory space by renovating a section of the 阿方德健康科学中心全球网络赌博平台比德福德校区.

该奖项有助于巩固全球网络赌博平台的地位 骨科医学院 (COM) as one of the most highly-funded osteopathic medical schools for research in the United States. 的 CCSR builds on the success of UNE’s other COBRE-funded program, the 疼痛研究中心,成立于2012年. UNE is the only college or university in Maine to have two NIH-funded COBRE centers and is also first among Maine colleges and universities for NIH funding, with $4 million in new NIH funding awarded in 2022.

“的 University is making strategic investments in renovating research laboratories on the Biddeford and Portland campuses, 包括 Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s, with the goal of providing state-of-the-art research facilities to support COM’s vital research mission as well as unifying biomedical and biotechnology research infrastructure across UNE’s two Maine campuses,大学教务长格温多林·马洪说.

的 CCSR is also strategically aligned with national, 区域, statewide investments in biotechnology and biomanufacturing. 的 Bioscience Association of Maine reported in 2022 生命科学行业增加了2美元.2 billion to Maine’s gross domestic product (GDP) over the previous five years, or 4.占该州出口总额的2%.

“UNE’s COBRE centers provide crucial research infrastructure to support biomedical research innovation as well as workforce development and training opportunities for under研究生, 研究生, professional students interested in careers in biotechnology,凯伦·豪斯内克特说, Ph.D.,副教务长 研究及奖学金. “This positions the University to make important contributions to Maine’s rapidly growing biotech industry.”